Sunday, October 12, 2014

Zimbabwe First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe: ‘Faction Leaders Are Appointees’
Zimbabwe First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe arriving at Mucheke
Stadium for a rally on Oct. 10, 2014.
October 10, 2014

Farirai Machivenyika and George Maponga in MASVINGO
Zimbabwe Herald

THE First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe yesterday warned Zanu-PF supporters against rallying behind factional leaders who hold office at the pleasure of President Mugabe, saying such people could be removed from office at any time. She said this while addressing thousands of people who thronged Mucheke Stadium here on the fourth leg of her ongoing “Meet The People” tour to thank supporters following her nomination and endorsement to assume leadership of the Zanu-PF Women’s League at the party’s elective Congress in December.

Amai Mugabe warned the party supporters that they risked being exposed if such leaders were removed from their positions at the forthcoming elective Congress.

“Uzive kuti you are appointed wakapihwa chigaro, waudzwa kuti iwe wapihwa chigaro haikona kuabuser chigaro ichocho,” she said.

“Vakawanda umu vana vakadzikama vanogona basa iroro, so don’t take that position for granted nekuti mangwana uchasara uri wega,” she said to applause from the crowd.

Amai Mugabe said she was aware of some senior party leaders at the forefront of fomenting factionalism using money.

“Zviri kuitwa nevanhu vakurukuru, vakurukuru vemuno,” she said. “Musakanganwe, musakanganwe kuti vanhu vanenge vachiona, isusu tinenge tiri kure asi kure kwemeso nzeve dzinonzwa (Factionalism is being fanned by some bigwigs here, don’t forget that while we will be in far away, we hear of what transpires).

“Ndaona write up yandiinayo asi handidi kuibudisa pane vanhu nekuti handidi kukunyadzisai, handidi kukunyadzisai, but iwewe ugere muchair izvezvi ndichitaura, izvezvi chair iri kupisa, tarisa paside pako chero dikita riri kutobuda nekuti tajaira kuita zvinhu zvisina musoro (I have a report here but I will not publicise it here because it will embarrass some people here but where you are seated I know you are uncomfortable and sweaty because you know your wayward deeds).”

Amai Mugabe said it was disheartening that some of the leaders continued to ignore repeated warnings by President Mugabe to shun factionalism and bribing people to get votes.
She said such people would soon be disciplined for their actions.

“Izvozvi Baba VaMugabe vakati huya pano ndoda kukugeza, vakadeedzwa vanozviziva. Ukabvunzwa ukanzi dzokera ukarega kubaiwa netsono woziva zvazvinoreva. Nekuti kana waudzwa ukarega kuteera uri kuziva chichatevera (President Mugabe called some people to advise them against fanning factionalism but to be forewarned is to be forearmed. If you do not heed his words, you know what will follow),” Amai Mugabe said.

She challenged senior officials backing certain candidates to assume top positions in the party to do so openly and give people an opportunity to freely elect leaders of their choice.
She said leaders were annointed by God.

“Hutungamiri hunobva kudenga kuna ishe. Ndinozviziva kuti zvichinzi Mai Mugabe tinoda kuti muti tungamirire kune vamwe vanga vaine mapreferred candidates avo zvinobvumirwa nekuti ndiyo freedom of expression iyoyo, zvinobvumirwa asi kana uine preferred candidate yako unodirei kuenda nayo kuseri kwedoor, huya nayo uyi displaye apa zvatinoita vaMugabe tinovoisa pamberi masikati kuti uyu ndiye watiri kuda.”

She added: “Iwe kana uine preferred candidate yako huya nayo uiise pamberi apo ugotiudza chayakakosha isu kana taona kuti inogona kupfuura watiri kuda then tinoti hongu asi kuti uti convince ndinoona pane nyaya.’’

The First Lady also blasted some senior Zanu-PF officials in Masvingo for trying to confuse the Women’s League members by bribing them to attain political power.

“Zvechokwadi zvinhu kuno hanzi hazvina kumira zvakanaka, handifungi kuti chinhu chinofadza,” she said. “Ndino funga vamwe vedu kuno uku vakatombodeedzwa vakatsiurwa asi muri nhinhi, muri nhinhi munoziva chinonzi hutungamiri (Its true the situation here is bad but some of you were called and advised against fanning divisions but it appears you did not heed the wise counsel).

“Handifunge kuti chinhu chakanaka kuti kuno kuMasvingo one party state upon upon, nyangwe dai rimwe seat riri kumwe asi mwana wenyu, mwana wenyu. Takataura nyaya yekuregererana saka iyi nyaya yekuti muri kuda kuti ngatirambe tichiinderera mberi nefactionalism ndiri kuona chiri nhinhu chinosvoresa (Its not good that Masvingo that delivered all seats barring one (held by Dr Munyaradzi Kereke) that is elsewhere but it is held by your son. Forgive each other, factionalism casts us in bad light)

“Muri vanhu vekuMasvingo vatinoremekedza inga baba vanoti kuna vaHungwe nevamwe vanasekuru Magumbo, vese vari kuno kuMasvingo vanoera Magumbo vachindiremekedza, zvino chaipa chii?

“Munovhiringidza madzimai, madzimai aya kana amira haazoziva zvekutaura nekuti munenge mavavhiringidza nemari, nekuti chinoitika ndechekuti mumusangano wedu weZanu-PF isusu madzimai mukaita zvekutamba nesu isusu we will take over nekuti munofana kuziva kuti 52 percent yepopulation yeZimbabwe madzimai.’’
Dr Mugabe said time was now up for the senior officials who sought positions using money.

“Kazhinji kazhinji munongoona vadzimai vachifizuka vachirwira musangano varume vanonyatsoziva kuti ndikarega kutenga madzimai hapana changu, zvino ichasvika nguva yekuti mari iyoyo icharamba kushanda…. yatosvika!

“Mari yechokwadi inenge yakanangana nemunhu wese ichizoita kuti munhu wese ave neugaro hwakanaka. Inobuda pachena. Inga munhu akaenda kubasa anopihwa mari yake vanhu vakatarisa, imi munodirei kutibhadhara tisina kutariswa, ngazvipere zvefactionalism.”

Amai Mugabe challenged Zanu-PF leaders not to waste time campaigning for top positions but to instead concentrate on delivering promises made to the electorate during last year’s emphatic victory in the harmonised elections.

She said Zanu-PF leaders should be at the forefront of engendering socio-economic development in Zimbabwe through ZimAsset.

The First Lady warned party youths against engaging in violence, saying the vice had no place in Zanu-PF.

She urged Zimbabweans to ignore calls by the MDC-T to embark on mass protests, saying the opposition was a creation of Western nations vainly trying to reverse the land reform programme.

Amai Mugabe castigated senior officials who acquired several farms using their positions during the land reform, but were underutlising them.

She said those with multiple farms should cede them as they risked being exposed in a looming land audit.

The First Lady also lamented the proliferation of child rape cases in Zimbabwe and attacked some traditional healers for misleading people infected with HIV that they could get cured by sleeping with young girls.

Amai Mugabe donated 30 tonnes of seed to Zanu-PF Masvingo province that will be distributed by national Women’s League secretary for security Cde Shuvai Mahofa.

The First Lady also donated 10 tonnes of maize meal for distribution to vulnerable people such as orphans, the elderly and the disabled.

The First Lady’s Masvingo rally was attended by top Government and Zanu-PF officials among them Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa, Information, Media and Broadcasting Services Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo, Environment, Water and Climate Minister Minister Saviour Kasukuwere, Energy and Power Development Minister Dzikamai Mavhaire, Zimbabwe Chiefs Council president Chief Fortune Charumbira and Senate President Edna Madzongwe.

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